Commercial Building

Richmond 71-73, providence ri


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A square, three-story, five-bay, flat roofed, brick building with a decorative concrete beltcourse that visually divides the first floor from the second. The large storefront windows on the first floor have been boarded over with a small section exposed at the top, over which hang cloth awnings. The second and third floors have groups of four windows in each bay. Above the first-floor entrance is a single window with a decorative concrete lintel. A concrete cornice, integrated with the third-floor lintels, underlines four, evenly-spaced, decorative concrete medallions on the parapet. This building does not appear on the 1920-21 Sanborn Insurance map, but does appear in the 1926· Providence Atlas Book with the address 71-79. The Providence Directory books from 1919 to 1924 list a single address, 75 Richmond Street. In the 1925-26 edition, however, the address was listed 71-79, as marked on the 1926 atlas map. This suggests that this three-story brick building may have been ' constructed between 1924 and 1926. The occupants at that time were the Franklin Premium Company (71), Peter Boboras Lunch (73), and Lazarus Brothers Clothing (77-79) (75 Richmond was listed as\ vacant). The building continued to be occupied by commercial offices, tailors, barbers, and several \ clothing and shoe stores. Today, the first and second floors are nightclubs and the third floor is a tattoo parlor. Source - NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES